'Threshold' is a visual interpretation of life after lockdown. Constant news cycles and perpetuated phrases such as transmission, breach, contained and cluster. ‘Threshold’ tells the narrative of the cycle that is COVID-19.

'Threshold' takes the form of a two-faced pillar. A solid base, houses a low powered fog machine along with power supplies and motors. Threshold has three ‘states’ 

Empty ~ The acrylic box is clean, free from particulates. The recessed uplighting refracts around the box in somewhat of a harsh manner. 

Contained ~ Fog slowly begins to seep through, from the base of the structures. In-turn, the light within the box begins to volumise. The air pressure within the box creates turbulence, moving and circulating the fog. Visually this symbolises the virus within a body.

Breached ~ After a three-minute filling sequence, the particulates are released. The top of the box opens using a concealed canter lever system. As the lid opens a fan is activated at the base of the box. This creates an updraft, dramatically pushing the fog up and out, all within the space of 10 to 15 seconds. This is a dramatic moment in which viewers will be taken by surprise.

This piece is a concept developed by Alex Grierson, a long time collaborator and produced by Duality. 

technologies used


custom narrow lensed LED is recessed beneath the the transparent acrylic top

connected technologies

automation, atmospherics and lighting is timecode sequenced and controlled by a central media server.

physical parameters

each monolith has a height of 2300mm and a width and depth of 612mm



